Siemens Digital Industries, Nuremberg, Germany, is offering the new Sinumerik MC controller, a universal, open, industrial PC-based CNC system. Its optimized motion control, high-performance automation and integrated Windows® 10 operating system make it an ideal control for fabrication and specialty machines, including woodworking, stone-cutting, laser and conventional basic grinding machines. With an open operating concept, this new control system is also suitable for certain additive manufacturing, metal-forming, adhesive applications, plate-cutting, grinding and laser or waterjet cutting. FABTECH 2019 was the first showing of this new control in the North American market. The Windows 10 operating system provides easy integration of customized software for these machines. The open operating concept and the extensive range of interfaces make it a universal, open control, which can be easily utilized in existing fabrication machine solutions. Sinumerik MC can be engineered in the Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) Portal, which provides a highly efficient engineering environment. For more information, visit www.siemens.com/sinumerik-mc.