AMBA Announces 2021 Sourcebook Cover Winner
AMBA proudly announces the winner of the 2021 Sourcebook Cover Contest – Ameritech Die & Mold, Mooresville, NC. Established to promote the quality craftsmanship of AMBA mold manufacturers, this year’s cover features an example of a high-tech, high-efficiency mold for a Class A automotive application that utilizes a sequential valve gate manifold and RJG monitoring technology to create a stable and controlled process through adjustable pressure/temperature settings.
The mold features extreme, thin-wall sections in the middle of the part, creating pressure fluctuations in the processing of the part. The part geometry requires buried side actions and two-stage ejection with decelerated lifters. Venting, cooling and ejection are maximized to improve part appearance and cycle time. According to Ameritech President Steve Rotman, ”We believe this mold exemplifies American engineering, craftsmanship and almost perfect execution on 1st shots with a very difficult part design with severe undercuts.”