AMBA, Indianapolis, Indiana, has launched periodic Pulse Surveys to give business leaders insight into the state of the mold building industry during the COVID-19 pandemic and what the industry may look like as businesses look further into 2020. These surveys will be launched bi-weekly. View last week’s results here: https://amba.org/covid-19-updates-and-resources/industry-pulse-survey/. In addition, documents have been added to the association’s COVID-19 Resource Hub, including the following:
- Tentative re-opening dates for states and/or schools
- Coronavirus-related grant opportunities and tax incentives
- Culture and Employee Morale Resources and Examples
- OSHA Interim Enforcement Response Plan to Protect Workers during the Coronavirus Pandemic
The COVID-19 Resource Hub can be found at https://amba.org/covid-19-updates-and-resources/.