AMBA Emerging Leaders Virtual Ignition Workshop Series: Building Your Leadership Essentials Kit – in 27 Minutes!

The AMBA Emerging Leaders Network, alongside the Manufacturers Association for Plastics Processors (MAPP) and the Association for Rubber Products Manufacturers (ARPM) young professional groups, is launching a new workshop series for 40-and-under manufacturing professionals: Virtual Ignition - Lighting Your Path to Leadership. During these monthly workshops (which will be held on the third Thursday of […]

Today’s Business Operations – Continuing Roundtable Discussion

The leaders in our industry continue to face new challenges, related both directly to the COVID-19 pandemic and to the new challenges of starting businesses up again s states begin to "re-open." This is why it's more critical than ever to continue bringing AMBA members together to discuss timely topics, including: PPP loan forgiveness State re-opening […]

Amerimold Connects

Let's face it - this is the strangest time the industry has seen in decades. With the spread of COVID-19, the moldmaking industry has been forced into quarantine on a national and global scale, severely limiting the opportunities we all have to make the business connections and advancements we all depend on to grow our […]

The New Normal: Best Practices for Minimizing Employment and Financial Risk in COVID-19 Era

As the country pivots to reopening, questions abound on how employers can safely maintain operations while dealing with a cautious workforce and an uncertain economy. Join Alan Rothenbuecher and Johanna Parker from Benesch as they discuss: The legal and practical employment and safety hurdles employers will now face Best practices for leveraging your financial position […]

Lead Generation and Marketing Strategy in a Virtual World: Tactical “To Dos”

As all mold builders navigate the second half of the year in the COVID-19 environment, many are realizing the need to shake up their lead generation and marketing strategies, but are struggling to understand how to make personal, meaningful connections when virtual meetings are the new norm. Join Shelly Otenbaker, president at Waypoint Communications, as […]

Moldex3D Digital Twin Live 2020

Moldex3D sincerely invite you to join us on Moldex3D Digital Twin Live 2020.  It is a 3-day global LIVE conference starting from September 28 - 30. Digital Twin presents real-world condition and allows us to achieve better molding optimization. Moldex3D helps you to gain more accurate results and smoother process through simulating in a digital world. Making […]

OESA 2020 Harbour Results, Inc. Automotive Tooling Update

Event Overview The Original Equipment Suppliers Association (OESA) and Harbour Results, Inc. (HRI) will host the 2020 Automotive Tooling Update virtually on Oct. 14, 2020. This year has been unprecedented for the global marketplace and the industry will be feeling the impact through 2021 and, potentially, beyond. This year’s event is shortened to focus on the automotive […]

2020 Race for the White House: Politics, Outcomes and Trade – Webinar

In the closing weeks of the 2020 elections, manufacturers across the country continue to wait to see in which directions voters will send American policy from trade and taxes to regulations and job training. AMBA’s lobbyist in Washington, D.C., Omar S. Nashashibi with the Franklin Partnership, will provide an insider’s insights into the race for […]